A request for your support from Jivana Heyman, founder & director of Accessible Yoga Association

Sep 01, 2023
A request for your support from Jivana Heyman

Dear Accessible Yoga Community, 

Unfortunately, we recently received the news that a $50,000 grant that we have received for the last 4 years will not be coming our way this year. With an operating budget of around $166,000, this creates an unanticipated challenge for us. 

We truly believe in the work we are doing, and are proud to have served populations who are often made invisible or ignored in so many yoga spaces. We know there are not there are not many organizations out there committed to making yoga truly accessible.

We also know that you believe in us, and we're grateful for all the ways you show up to support us. So we're calling on our community to help us recover from this financial blow and continue doing our work.

There are many ways you can help, so we'd love you to take action to support us in any of the ways below. And if you have other ideas, we're all ears! Reach out and let us know.

How can you help support Accessible Yoga?

  • Want to make an immediate donation, of any amount, to support us? You can do that here.

  • Been on our list for a while but haven't yet explored our subscription-based community spaces? Join us as a studio member or ambassador and give a small monthly contribution to our work while accessing perks and benefits.

  • Do you run or work for an organization that might be a good fit to join as a supporting organization? Sign up here

  • Do you run or work for an organization that could donate or sponsor our October Conference? Get in touch with Raeeka to discuss!

  • Share our work: Forward a newsletter onto a friend, share our social media posts on Instagram or Facebook, and spread the word about our work.

  • Have a birthday coming up? You can donate your birthday to us on our new fundraising platform, or set up a fundraiser on Facebook or Instagram.

We're determined to navigate these challenging times, and we'd so grateful to have your support through it. We'd love to continue to build a community that is self-sustaining so that we can continue to break down the barriers to accessible yoga in the world.


With all that's happening globally, now more than ever we need to ensure everybody who wants it can gain access to the benefits of yoga to help navigate these turbulent times.


We are always grateful for your support. Sending you all so much appreciate and gratitude for being in community with us.



P.S. Our funding through partners and your support allows us to pay for staff and infrastructure to continue to offer all of our programs with commitment to accessibility in every sense, as we have a policy of not turning anybody away for a lack of funds.


Your support helps us to offer:


  • Accessible Yoga Studio: one of most affordable, welcoming and supportive practice spaces available online with regular weekly classes and a monthly workshop. This studio caters to accessibility in a way that many in person and online spaces sadly do not.

  • Accessible Yoga Ambassador program with mentor sessions for your ongoing continuous professional development as practitioners and teachers truly committed to an accessible offering. This sangha (community) is for you to connect and learn with and from each other in online hangouts and through our Accessible Yoga community space.

  • The Love of Yoga Podcast hosted by Anjali Rao hosted by Anjali Rao. This it not just any podcast about Yoga. It connects to the expansiveness of the teachings of Yoga through provocative conversations with Yoga scholars, changemakers, and thought leaders. It's truly a disruptive offering in the yoga space.



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