Cancer & Yoga: An Overview of Our September Programs

accessible yoga association accessible yoga community ambassador program asana cancer community forum events free events teachers to watch workshop Sep 01, 2022
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on yoga and cancer. Featuring presenters who specialize in offering yoga to those experiencing cancer and cancer survivors, these programs are designed for patients, caregivers, and yoga teachers interested in serving those on the cancer continuum.
First up, Sandra Susheela Gilbert will lead an accessible asana class that introduces YCat Yoga for cancer. Next, Smitha Mallaiah will offer a workshop on yoga therapy and cancer care. We'll close our programs for the month with a community forum featuring Tina Paul, Mel (Beyond Yoga) & Lorien Neargarder, hosted by Anjali Rao.
Below you will find more details about each event and our lineup of presenters for the month! You'll also find the direct links to register for these programs.
Did you know that Accessible Yoga Ambassadors get to attend all of our monthly programs and access the replays for free as a benefit of membership? Ambassadors support our organization and programs with a monthly or annual contribution to our work. Access to these monthly programs is only one of many perks to becoming an Ambassador. Learn more and join the program today!


September 2022 Programs: Cancer & Yoga



Introduction to YCat Yoga for Cancer

An Asana Class with Sandra Susheela Gilbert


Friday, September 16th, 2022

3-4 pm PST (Los Angeles)
6-7 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.


Statistics from the National Cancer Institute, estimate that in 2016, there were an estimated 15.5 million cancer survivors in the USA, with an expectation of 20.3 million by 2026.

It is likely that a person who is newly diagnosed or is a cancer survivor is already participating in one of your Yoga classes. The need is great to offer Yoga to people with cancer that is accessible and safe whether it be in a Yoga studio or medical setting.

This YCat: Yoga Therapy in Cancer sample class will be an introduction to this approach. Yoga practices may include awareness, breath and movement, guided imagery, relaxation, meditation, Yoga philosophy and how these practices can be adapted for use across the cancer continuum.

Recommended props: yoga mat, chair, 1-2 blankets, eye covering (optional), notebook, any other props to suit individual needs


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Yoga Therapy in Cancer Care

A Workshop with Smitha Mallaiah


Tuesday, September 20th, 2022

9-10:30 am Pacific (Los Angeles)
12-1:30 pm Eastern (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.


In this presentation Smitha Mallaiah, Sr. mind body interventionist at MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA, will present the science and practice of Yoga Therapy in Cancer Care, including the review of current research, and clinical guidelines.

She will share her decade of experience in bringing yoga to different cancer populations along with case studies.

The presentation will be followed by meditation practice and time for Q&A.

Recommended props: chair or meditation cushion, device or materials for note-taking, any other props to suit individual needs and/or provide comfort for meditation


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Community Forum: Cancer & Yoga

A Panel Discussion and Mixer Featuring Tina Paul, Mel (Beyond Yoga), and Lorien Neargarder, hosted by Anjali Rao


Friday, September 30th, 2022

2:30-4:30 pm PST (Los Angeles)
5:30-7:30 pm EST (New York)

Closed captions & replay available for registrants.

This month, join experienced accessible yoga teachers Tina Paul, Mel (Beyond Yoga) & Lorien Neargarder, along with host Anjali Rao, for a Community Forum discussing yoga and cancer. Presenters will share their experience and expertise on the topic, discussing the role of yoga therapy in cancer care, working within an integrative medicine team, trauma-informing your yoga teaching, the benefits of yoga for those with a cancer diagnosis, and more.

The panel discussion will last 90 minutes, including some time for audience questions. Participants are invited to stay on after the panel concludes for a 30-minute social mixer and networking session, with the option to share their own experiences and meet other community members whose work centers cancer & yoga.


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