Accessible Yoga


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Meet the Newest Members of the Accessible Yoga Board Apr 15, 2022

It takes a village to run the Accessible Yoga Association! In addition to our fabulous staff, our organization has a volunteer Board of Directors...

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Yoga for Supporting People with Sexual Trauma: An Overview of our April Programs Apr 07, 2022
This month, our Accessible Yoga Association monthly programming focuses on yoga for sexual trauma. Featuring presenters whose work and expertise...
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Neurodiversity & Yoga: An Overview of our March Programs Mar 04, 2022
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on neurodiversity and yoga, featuring neurodivergent teachers and presenters, and...
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Yoga of the Heart: An Overview of Our February Programs Feb 03, 2022
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on Yoga of the Heart. Featuring incredible teachers and presenters from our...
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Community Advice: What We've Learned About Teaching Yoga Online Jan 27, 2022

As we enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, facing the Omicron surge and the daily number of new cases still sitting significantly...

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