Accessible Yoga


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Creating Cultures of Consent in Yoga Apr 28, 2022

Photo by Cinthya Zuniga.

 by M Camellia

This month, our programming focussed on supporting people with sexual trauma. This heavy and...

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Trans Day of Visibility: Resources for the Yoga Community Mar 31, 2022

Celebrated annually on March 31st, today is Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV). 

While transgender people are perhaps more visible today...

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Neurodiversity & Yoga: An Overview of our March Programs Mar 04, 2022
This month, Accessible Yoga’s monthly programming focuses on neurodiversity and yoga, featuring neurodivergent teachers and presenters, and...
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Welcome to the New Accessible Yoga Blog Dec 23, 2021

Dear Accessible Yoga Community,

I know I don't have to tell you that the last couple of years have called upon all of us to reckon with the fact...

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