Getting Free with Michelle Cassandra Johnson

Season #4

“We have to get to the root of the root of the root and actually heal that if we wanna create something different, and if we want to create conditions for us all to be free, that's the conversation…I think the core is the same in every book I've written thus far: Are we gonna do what we need to do to get free?”
—Michelle C. Johnson

In this episode, Michelle joins Tristan Katz as Tristan begins a summer podcast takeover for Anjali Rao!

Michelle Cassandra Johnson is an activist, social justice warrior, author, anti-racism consultant and trainer, intuitive healer, and yoga teacher and practitioner. She has led dismantling racism work in many settings for over two decades and has a background and two decades of practice as a clinical social worker. Michelle’s work centers on healing from individual and collective trauma, coming back into wholeness, and aligning the mind, body, spirit, and heart. 

This conversation explores many themes relating to Michelle’s books, including:

  • The role of collective trauma and collective healing
  • Disruption while staying committed to balance
  • Feeling and honoring our individual heartbreak while challenging systems
  • …and more

Be sure to check out Michelle’s most recent book, We Heal Together: Rituals & Practices for Building Community & Connection, and pre-order her upcoming book, A Space for Us: A Guide for Leading Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Affinity Groups!

You can connect with Michelle through her website and Instagram—she has lots of amazing upcoming events and offerings so be sure to check those out and support her work.

For those new to Tristan, you can learn more about them on their website and you’ll find them on Instagram as well.


Free Resources for Teachers

We are grateful for the support of our podcast partner OfferingTree — an all-in-one, easy to use business platform for classes, courses, memberships and more. They also offer FREE resources and webinars for yoga teachers — check it out at