Getting Embodied with Terra Anderson

Season #4

"When I talk about pleasure and embodiment, I'm talking about your unique individual moment that feels true for you in your body. Not what you're being sold. And so I think that, you know, when we're talking about oppression and social justice, and I say something like, I believe pleasure is the antidote, I actually mean it.” 

—Terra Anderson

In so many yoga spaces and in the wellness world in general, we talk a lot about embodiment. But what does it actually mean to “be embodied”? 

Terra Lyn Anderson has devoted their life to being a conduit for the healing connection between body and mind for both individuals and the collective. While pursuing their graduate degree in Somatic Counseling Psychology at Naropa University, Terra began to envision what the healing potential of embodiment would look like on a large societal scale, with people aware and empowered by both thought and feeling, attuned to one another, in love with and trusting of their own bodies, and able to consciously and intentionally regulate their nervous systems. Inspired by the vision of an embodied, empowered and connected society, Terra directed their focus to studying the physical impact and healing of oppression trauma. They pursued supplemental trainings in social power differentials, racial justice, intersectionality, embodied sexuality, gender diversity, and organizational transformation. Terra believes that social justice is inherently tied to the body, as is oppression and trauma. Their unique approach to healing, education and activism is characterized by a commitment to empowering the relationship between body and mind.

In this conversation, Terra and Tristan discuss:

  • The definition of embodiment and the role of privilege in this conversation
  • How embodiment connects with our consent practices, and our abilities and ways in to hearing a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’
  • The role of embodiment, and pleasure, in trauma healing and in dismantling systems and challenging oppression
  • …and more

Check out Terra’s work on their website and Instagram and learn more about their co-facilitated offerings with Weeze Doran on Weeze’s website.

For those new to Tristan, you can learn more about them on their website and you’ll find them on Instagram as well.


Free Resources for Teachers

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